Get everyone using the platform the same way. Generate and store information and documents in a reliable, single format online and in real-time.
We give you the 'wheel' with document templates, procedures with checklists, to get your company moving forward to meet all standards set out for yourself and by your client.
With Unisheq you have a platform to meet Environmental. Health and Safety standards required by law and by your organisation.
Use our real-time platform to set up your company's own unique measures to manage daily activities and manage your team effectively. Our live updates enforce activities to be executed correct, safe and according to your company guidelines.
Remotely manage all service providers doing work on your premises at any given time using the Unisheq dashboard.
Establish trends and forecast instances through the data captured by the user on our platform.
Our document management system enables you as user to deliver ISO documents, keep track of them is registers, and control changes and revisions all in one place.
Minimize irregularities with remote, real-time access to all documents (and their revisions) done by your contractors, sub-contractors and service providers on a secure cloud-based server.
Our platform guides your growing company towards full compliance. Upgrade at any time to meet the requirements of your business
We just made contractor, service provider and supplier vetting easy. With the required permissions issued add them to your portal and view their detail and safety culture in seconds.